- Dunkleberger, R., Sauchyn, D.J., Vanderwel, M.C. 2023. Using thermal imagery and changes in stem radius to assess water stress in two coniferous tree species. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 341: 109686.
- Bermüeller, K.O., Vanderwel, M.C. 2023. Evaluating effects of remotely sensed neighborhood crowding and depth-to-water on tree height growth. Forests 14: 242.
- Jucker, T., Fisher, F.J., Chave, J., Coomes, D.A., Caspersen, J., Ali, A., Panzou, G.J.L., Feldpausch, T.R., Falster, D., Vanderwel, M.C., and 109 others. 2022. Tallo: a global tree allometry and crown architecture database. Global Change Biology 28: 5254-5268.
- Bergmueller, K.O., Vanderwel, M.C. 2022. Predicting tree mortality using spectral indices derived from multispectral UAV imagery. Remote Sensing 14: 2195.
- Shovon, T.A., Sprott, A., Gagnon, D., Vanderwel, M.C. 2022. Using imagery from unmanned aerial vehicles to investigate variation in snag frequency among forest stands. Forest Ecology and Management 511: 120138.
- Robinov, L., Hopkinson, C., Vanderwel, M.C. 2021. Topographic variation in forest expansion processes across a mosaic landscape in western Canada. Land 10(12): 1335.
- Shovon, T., Gagnon, D., Vanderwel, M. 2021. Boreal conifer seedling responses to experimental competition removal during summer drought. Ecosphere 12(2): e03391.
- Green, D.M., McGuire, L.P., Vanderwel, M.C., Willis, C.K.R., Noakes, M.J., Bohn, S.J., Brigham, R.M. 2020. Analysis of migratory bat captures at a summer roosting site across 20 years. Journal of Mammalogy 101: 1542-1547.
- Rozendaal, D.M.A., Phillips, O.L., Lewis, S.L., Affum-Baffoe, K., Alvarez Dávilla, Andrade, A., Aragão, L.E.O.C., Araujo-Murakami, A., Baker, T.R., Bánki, Brienen, R.J.W., Camargo, J.L.C., Comiskey, J.A., Djuikouo K., M.N., Fauset, S., Feldpausch, T.R., Killeen, T.J., Laurence, W.F., Laurance, S.G.W., Lovejoy, T., Malhi, Y., Marimon, B.S., Marimon, B.-H. Jr., Marshall, A.R., Neill, D.A., Vargas, P.N., Pitman, N.C.A., Reitsma, J., Silveira, M., Sonké, B., Sunderland, T., Taedoumg, H., ter Steege, H., Terborgh, J.W., Umetsu, R.K., van der Heijden, G.M.F., Vilanova, E., Vos, V., White, L.J.T., Willcock, S., Zemagho, L., Vanderwel, M.C. 2020. Competition influences tree growth, but not mortality, across environmental gradients in Amazonia and tropical Africa. Ecology 101: e03052.
- Vanderwel, M.C., Lopez, E.L., Sprott, A.H., Khayyatkhoshnevis, P., Shovon, T.A. 2020. Using aerial canopy data from UAVs to measure the effects of neighbourhood competition on individual tree growth. Forest Ecology and Management 461: 117949.
- Kattge, J., Bönisch, G., Díaz, S., Lavorel, S., Prentice, I.C., Leadley, P., Tautenhahn, S., Werner, G.D.A., Shovon, T.A., Vanderwel, M., and 719 others. 2020. TRY plant trait database – enhanced coverage and open access. Global Change Biology 26: 119-188.
- Shovon, T.A., Rozendaal, D.M.A., Gendron, F., Vetter, M., Vanderwel, M.C. 2020. Plant communities on nitrogen-rich soil are less sensitive to soil moisture than plant communities on nitrogen-poor soil. Journal of Ecology 108: 133-144.
- Spriggs, R.A., Vanderwel, M.C., Jones, T.A., Caspersen, J.P. Coomes, D.A. 2019. A critique of general allometry-inspired models for estimating forest carbon density from airborne LiDAR. PLoS ONE 14(4): e0215238. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0215238.
- Lopez, E.L., Kerr, S.A., Sauchyn, D.J. Vanderwel, M.C. 2019. Variation in tree growth sensitivity to moisture across a water-limited forest landscape. Dendrochronologia 54: 87-96.
- Edkins, T.L., Somers, C.M., Vanderwel, M.C., Sadar, M., Poulin, R.G. 2018. Variable habitat selection and movement patterns among Bullsnake (Pituophis catenifer sayi) populations in Saskatchewan. Canadian Field-Naturalist 132: 126-139.
- Li, L., Aslam, M., Rabbi, F., Vanderwel, M.C., Ashton, N.W., Suh, D.-Y. 2017. PpORS, an ancient type III polyketide synthase, is required for integrity of leaf cuticle and resistance to dehydration in the moss, Physcomitrella patens. Planta 247: 527-541.
- Spriggs, R.A., Coomes, D.A., Jones, T.A., Caspersen, J.P., Vanderwel, M.C. 2017. An alternative approach to using LiDAR remote sensing data to predict stem diameter distributions across a temperate forest landscape. Remote Sensing 9: 944. DOI: 10.3390/rs9090944.
- Vanderwel, M.C., Rozendaal, D.M.A., Evans, M.E.K. 2017. Predicting the abundance of forest types across the eastern United States through inverse modelling of tree demography. Ecological Applications 27: 2128-2141.
- Boczulak, S.A., Vanderwel, M.C., Hall, B.D. 2017. Survey of mercury in boreal chorus frog (Pseudacris maculata) and wood frog (Rana sylvatica) tadpoles from wetland ponds in the Prairie Pothole Region of Canada. FACETS 2: 315-329.
- Jucker, T., Caspersen, J., Chave, J., Antin, C., Barbier, N., Bongers, F., Dalponte, M., Van Ewijk, K.Y., Forrester, D.I., Haeni, M., Higgins, S.I., Holdaway, R.J., Iida, Y., Lorimer, C., Marshall, P.L., Momo, S., Moncrieff, G.R., Ploton, P., Poorter, L., Rahman, K.A., Schlund, M., Sonké, B., Sterck, F.J., Trugman, A.T., Usoltsev, V.A., Vanderwel, M.C., Waldner, P., Wedeux, B.M.M., Wirth, C., Wöll, H., Woods, M., Xiang, W., Zimmermann, N.E., Coomes, D.A. 2017. Allometric equations for integrating remote sensing imagery into forest monitoring programs. Global Change Biology 23: 177-190.
- Rifai, S.W., Urquiza Muñoz, J.D., Negrón-Juárez, R.I., Ramírez Arévalo, F.R., Tello-Espinoza, R., Vanderwel, M.C., Lichstein, J.W., Chambers, J.Q., Bohlman, S.A. 2016. Landscape-scale consequences of differential tree mortality from catastrophic wind disturbance in the Amazon. Ecological Applications 26: 2225-2237.
- Vanderwel, M.C., Zeng, H., Caspersen, J.P., Kunstler, G., Lichstein, J.W. 2016. Demographic controls of aboveground forest biomass across North America. Ecology Letters 19: 414-423.
- Kunstler G., Falster, D., Coomes, D.A., Hui F., Kooyman, R.M., Laughlin D.C., Poorter, L., Vanderwel, M.C., Vieilledent, G., Wright, S.J., Aiba, M., Baraloto, C., Caspersen, J., Cornelissen, J.H.C., Gourlet-Fleury, S., Hanewinkel, M., Herault, B., Kattge, J., Kurokawa, H., Onoda, Y., Peñuelas, J., Poorter, H., Uriarte, M., Richardson, S., Ruiz-Benito, P., Sun, I-F., Ståhl, G., Swenson, N.G., Thompson, J., Westerlund, B., Wirth, C., Zavala, M.A., Zeng, H., Zimmerman, J.K., Zimmerman, N.E., Westoby, M. 2016. Plant functional traits have globally consistent effects on competition. Nature 529: 204-207.
- Spriggs, R.A., Vanderwel, M.C., Jones, T.A., Caspersen, J.P., Coomes, D.A. 2015. A simple area-based model for predicting airborne LiDAR first returns from stem diameter distributions: an example study in an uneven-aged, mixed temperate forest. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 45: 1338-1350.
- Vanderwel, M.C., Slot, M., Lichstein, J.W., Reich, P.B., Kattge, J., Atkin, O.K., Bloomfield, K.J., Tjoelker, M.G., Kitajima, K. 2015. Global convergence in leaf respiration from estimates of thermal acclimation across time and space. New Phytologist 207: 1026-1037.
- Atkin, O.K., Bloomfield, K.J., Reich, P.B., Tjoelker M.G., Asner, G.P., Bonal, D., Bönisch, G., Bradford, M.G., Cernusak, L.A., Cosio, E.G., Creek D., Crous K.Y., Domingues, T.F., Dukes, J.S., Egerton J.J.G., Evans, J.R., Farquhar G.D., Fyllas, N.M., Gauthier P.P.G., Gloor, E., Gimeno, T.E., Griffin, K.L., Guerrieri, R., Heskel, M.A., Huntingford, C., Ishida, F.Y., Kattge, J., Lambers, H., Liddell, M.J., Lloyd, J., Lusk, C.H., Martin, R.E., Maksimov, A.P., Maximov, T.C., Malhi, Y., Medlyn, B.E., Meir, P., Mercado, L.M., Mirotchnick, N., Ng, D., Niinemets, Ü, O’Sullivan, O.S., Phillips, O.L., Poorter, L., Poot, P., Prentice, I.C., Salinas, N., Rowland, L.M., Ryan, M.G., Sitch, S., Slot, M., Smith, N.G., Turnbull, M.H., Vanderwel, M.C., Valladares, F., Veneklaas, E.J., Weerasinghe, L.K., Wirth, C., Wright, I.J., Wythers, K.R., Xiang, J., Xiang, S., Zaragoza-Castells, J. 2015. Global variability in leaf respiration in relation to climate, plant functional types and leaf traits. New Phytologist 206: 614-636.
- Reyer, C.P.O., Brouwers, N., Rammig, A., Brook, B.W., Epila, J., Grant, R.F., Holmgren, M., Langerwisch, F., Leuzinger, S., Lucht, W., Medlyn, B., Pfeifer, M., Steinkamp, J., Vanderwel, M.C., Verbeek, H., Villela, D.M. 2015. Forest resilience and tipping points: approaches and challenges. Journal of Ecology 103: 5-15.
- Coomes, D., Flores, O., Holdaway, R., Jucker T., Lines, E.R., Vanderwel, M.C. 2014. Wood productivity response to climate change will depend critically on forest composition and structure. Global Change Biology 20: 3632-3645.
- Smith, M.J., Palmer, P.I., Purves, D.W., Vanderwel, M.C., Lyutsarev, V., Calderhead, B., Joppa, L.N., Bishop, C.M., Emmott, S. 2014. Changing how Earth System Modelling is done to provide more useful information for decision making, science and society. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 95: 1453-1464.
- Talbot, J., Lewis, S.L., Lopez-Gonzalez, G., Brienen, R.J.W., Monteagudo, A., Baker, T.R., Feldpausch, T.R., Malhi, Y., Vanderwel, M.C., Murakami, A.A., Arroyo, L.P., Chao, K-J., Erwin, T., van der Heijden, G., Keeling, H., Killeen, T., Neill, D., Núñez Vargas, P., Parada Gutierrez, G.A., Pitman, N., Quesada, C.A., Silveira, M., Stropp, J., Phillips, O.L. 2014. Methods to estimate aboveground wood productivity from long-term forest inventory plots. Forest Ecology and Management 320: 30-38.
- Vanderwel, M.C., Purves, D.W. 2014. How do disturbances and environmental heterogeneity affect the pace of forest distribution shifts under climate change? Ecography 37: 10-20.
- Purves, D.W., Vanderwel, M.C. 2014. Traits states and rates: understanding coexistence in forests. In: Coomes, D., Burslem, D., Simonson, W. (Eds.) Forests and Global Change. Cambridge University Press. Pp. 161-194.
- Vanderwel, M.C., Cropper, W.P., Lichstein, J.W., Putz, F.E. 2013. Predicting broad-scale carbon loss and recovery in managed tropical forests. Carbon Management 4: 575-577.
- Vanderwel, M.C., Lyutsarev, V.S., Purves, D.W. 2013. Climate-related variation in mortality and recruitment determine regional forest-type distributions. Global Ecology and Biogeography 20: 1192-1203.
- Vanderwel, M.C., Coomes, D.A., Purves, D.W. 2013. Quantifying variation in forest disturbance, and its effects on aboveground biomass dynamics, across the eastern United States. Global Change Biology 19: 1504-1517.
- Smith, M.J., Purves, D.W., Vanderwel, M.C., Lyutsarev, V.S., Emmott, S. 2013. The climate dependence of the terrestrial carbon cycle including parameter and structural uncertainties. Biogeosciences 10: 583-606.
- Vanderwel, M.C., Malcolm, J.R., Caspersen, J.P. 2012. Using a field-parameterized model of home range establishment to predict abundance in spatially heterogeneous habitats. PLoS ONE 7(7): e40599.
- Caspersen, J.P., Vanderwel, M.C., Cole, W.G., Purves, D.W. 2011. How stand productivity results from size- and competition-dependent growth and mortality. PLoS ONE 6: e28660.
- Vanderwel, M.C., Caspersen, J.P., Malcolm, J.R., Papaik, M.J., Messier, C. 2011. Structural changes and potential vertebrate responses following simulated partial harvesting of boreal mixedwood stands. Forest Ecology and Management 261: 1362-1371.
- Vanderwel, M.C., Thorpe, H.C., Caspersen, J.P. 2010. Contributions of harvest slash to maintaining downed woody debris in selection-managed forests. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 40: 1680-1685.
- Vanderwel, M.C., Malcolm, J.R., Caspersen, J.P., Newman, M.A. 2010. Fine-scale habitat associations of red-backed voles in boreal mixedwood stands. Journal of Wildlife Management 74: 1492-1501.
- Thorpe, H.C., Vanderwel, M.C., Fuller, M.M., Thomas, S.C., Caspersen, J.P. 2010. Modelling stand development after partial harvests: an empirically based, spatially explicit analysis for lowland black spruce. Ecological Modelling 221: 256-267.
- Vanderwel, M.C., Malcolm, J.R., Smith, S.M. 2009. Long-term snag and downed woody debris dynamics under periodic surface fire, fire suppression, and shelterwood management. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 39: 1709-1721.
- Vanderwel, M.C., Mills, S.C., Malcolm, J.R. 2009. Effects of partial harvesting on vertebrate species associated with late-successional forests in Ontario’s boreal region. Forestry Chronicle 85: 91-104.
- Vanderwel, M.C., Thorpe, H.C., Shuter, J.L., Caspersen, J.P., Thomas, S.C. 2008. Contrasting downed woody debris dynamics in managed and unmanaged northern hardwood stands. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 38: 2850-2861.
- Holloway, G.L., Caspersen, J.P., Vanderwel, M.C., Naylor, B.J. 2007. Cavity tree occurrence in hardwood forests of central Ontario. Forest Ecology and Management 239: 191-199.
- Vanderwel, M.C., Malcolm, J.R., Mills, S.C. 2007. A meta-analysis of bird responses to uniform partial harvesting across North America. Conservation Biology 21: 1230-1240.
- Vanderwel, M.C., Caspersen, J.P., Woods, M.E. 2006. Snag dynamics in partially-harvested and unmanaged northern hardwood forests. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 36: 2769-2779.
- Vanderwel, M.C., Malcolm, J.R., Smith, S.M. 2006. An integrated model for snag and downed woody debris decay class transitions. Forest Ecology and Management 234: 48-59.
- Vanderwel, M.C., Malcolm, J.R., Smith, S.M., Islam, N. 2006. Insect community composition and trophic guild structure in decaying logs from eastern Canadian pine-dominated forests. Forest Ecology and Management 225: 190-199.